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Title: Physician Answering Service | Answering Services for Physicians

Description: Physician Answering Services If you own a business you are always going to need someone to answer your phones. In most cases they hire a front desk or telephone receptionist to answer, screen and route calls. The gatekeeper is usually used to describe a great receptionist, and with any great employee when they go on holidays or leave for any reason, your business suffers. Turning to temporary rece

Description: Physician Answering Services If you own a business you are always going to need someone to answer your phones. In most cases they hire a front desk or telephone receptionist to answer, screen and route calls. The gatekeeper is usually used to describe a great receptionist, and with any great employee when they go on holidays or leave for any reason, your business suffers. Turning to temporary rece

Advertising budget: N/A

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Approximate SE paid and organic traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 59.64 $1.97K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Organic keywords

  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position     Keyword Traffic Position     Keyword   Position  
1. physician answering service $1.63K  5    1. physician answering service 43  5    1. physician answering service   5   
2. physicians answering service $272.46  7    2. physicians answering service 13  7    2. physicians answering service   7   
3. physician answering services $64.88  16    3. physician answering services 16    3. physician answering   15   
4. physician answering $10.03  15    4. physician answering 15    4. physician answering services   16   

Competitors for "" MedConnectUSA

Physician Answering Service Keeps You Connected to Your Patients Friday, 20 March 2009 MedConnectUSA offers operated assisted and voicemail services for busy physicians who cannot ...

Keywords: medical answering services; medical answering service; physician answering service; physician answering services; doctors answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A TeleMed Medical Answering Service

Medical Answering Service. TeleMed is the nation's leading provider of Medical Answering Service to thousands of physicians nationwide.

Keywords: medical answering services; medical answering service; telemed; physician answering service; medical answering;

Paid traffic cost: $31.84K Physician Communication : Medical Telephone : Automated Health Care Answering Service : Cadusys Professional Voice Messaging, Inc.

Cadusys by Professional Voice Messaging, Inc. offering highest quality of physician answering service. Find out more about our services inside, including physician communication, medical telephone and automated health care answering service.

Keywords: medical answering service; doctors answering service; automated answering service; physicians answering service; physician answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Physician Answering Service

Jan 25, 2009 ... Physician Answering Service, Medical Answering Service.

Keywords: physician answering;

Paid traffic cost: N/A CentraComm Telephone Answering Service :: Fayetteville, NC

... of your business by providing live answering service 24 hours a day, 7 days a... When choosing an answering service, the goal is to find the best available ...

Keywords: physicians answering service; local answering service; physician answering services; small business answering service; business call answering;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Medical Answering Service | On Call Central

On Call Central replaces the medical answering service with an automated, fixed priced system that reduces cost, eliminates errors & documents calls.

Keywords: medical answering services; medical answering service; doctors answering service; physician answering service; physician answering services;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Answering Service, Virtual Call Center, Live Medical Phone Services

MAP Communications, an answering service provider since 1990, offers customized phone answering services, including medical answering service, to clients in a variety of industries. Sign up for a free trial from the virtual call center.

Keywords: telephone answering service; answering services; answeringservice; answering service; doctors answering service;

Paid traffic cost: $222.18K Mercy Medical Center :: Mercy Medical Center of Canton Ohio

Mercy Medical Center, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System, operates a 476-bed hospital serving Stark, Carroll, Wayne, Holmes and Tuscarawas Counties and parts of Southeastern Ohio.

Keywords: mercy medical center; mercy; sonography schools; sonography school; mercy medical;

Paid traffic cost: $0.23

Keywords: physician answering service; physicians answering service; physician answering services; physician answering; doctors answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A No More Phone Tag - your complete answering voice system!

Keywords: medical answering service; medical answering services; physician answering service; doctors answering service; doctor answering service;

Paid traffic cost: $29.43 Answering Service, Call Center, Phone Answering | Specialty Answering Service

Answering service specializing in call center services including inbound call center and phone answering service support.

Keywords: answering services; small business answering service; answering service companies; real estate answering service; online answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

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