Summary report for "" (monthly stats)

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Title: Physician Communication : Medical Telephone : Automated Health Care Answering Service : Cadusys Professional Voice Messaging, Inc.

Description: Cadusys by Professional Voice Messaging, Inc. offering highest quality of physician answering service. Find out more about our services inside, including physician communication, medical telephone and automated health care answering service.

Description: Cadusys by Professional Voice Messaging, Inc. offering highest quality of physician answering service. Find out more about our services inside, including physician communication, medical telephone and automated health care answering service.

Advertising budget: N/A

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Approximate SE paid and organic traffic

Traffic Est. Cost
Organic keywords 140.16 $2.80K*
Paid keywords N/A N/A
* — "Est. Cost" for organic traffic means amount of money the site owner would pay for such traffic if he bought it in PPC systems.

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Organic keywords

  Keyword Cost Equiv. Position     Keyword Traffic Position     Keyword   Position  
1. medical answering service $1.15K  8    1. medical answering service 48  8    1. health care answering service   4   
2. doctors answering service $817.02  4    2. doctors answering service 36  4    2. doctors answering service   4   
3. automated answering service $326.81  8    3. automated answering service 21  8    3. medical telephone answering service   5   
4. physicians answering service $321.81  6    4. physicians answering service 16  6    4. physicians answering service   6   
5. physician answering service $187.30  12    5. health care answering service 4    5. healthcare answering service   6   
6. medical telephone $0.95  16    6. physician answering service 12    6. automated answering service   8   
7. health care answering service $0.27  4    7. healthcare answering service 6    7. medical answering service   8   
8. healthcare answering service $0.18  6    8. medical telephone answering service 5    8. health care answering services   11   
9. medical telephone answering service $0.18  5    9. automated answering services 16    9. physician answering service   12   
10. automated answering services $0.04  16    10. medical telephone 16    10. doctors answering services   16   

Competitors for "" Answering Service, Call Center, Phone Answering | Specialty Answering Service

Answering service specializing in call center services including inbound call center and phone answering service support.

Keywords: answering services; small business answering service; answering service companies; real estate answering service; online answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

Keywords: physician answering service; physicians answering service; physician answering services; physician answering; doctors answering service;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Telephone Answering Service | Inbound Call Center | Phone Answering Services |

Keywords: telephone answering service; phone answering service; call answering service; telephone answering services; phone answering services;

Paid traffic cost: $456.94 Healthcare Call Center | Medical Call Center | Medical Answering Service | Hospital Call Center - Call4Health

Healthcare call center and bilingual call center providing medical answering services, hospital call center services, Call us for more info 888.422.7352.

Keywords: medical call center; physician answering service; hospital call center; medical answering; physician answering services;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Answering Service and Call Center in Tucson Arizona

Bilingual Customer Service in Arizona specializing in order taking, answering phone services & inbound call center services in Phoenix, Tucson, Sierra Vista, Mesa, Tempe, and more. We are located in Arizona but offer our services nationally.

Keywords: medical answering service; contact one; medical answering services; answering service arizona; business disasters;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Call Answering Service New York (CA - NY): Call Answer Services, Medical Answering Service & Live Receptionist- Alert Communications

Answering service NY (New York) to CA: Alert Communications is a call answer service provider in New York (NY) & CA providing live receptionist, medical answering & other answering services in NY & CA. For any of your Call Answering Service, Live Receptionist or Medical Answering Service need visit us now!

Keywords: spanish answering service; bilingual answering service; business phone answering service; doctor answering service; answering service spanish;

Paid traffic cost: N/A Answering Service from Alphapage | Answering the Call of Business

Alphapage: Achieve greater efficiencies and stronger customer connections with Alphapage's strategic answering service solutions.

Keywords: automated answering service; delivery message; automated answering services; automated telephone answering service; best answering service;

Paid traffic cost: $9.06K Call Centers, Call Center Services, Answering Services, AnswerNet Call Centers

Call centers & call center services. Discover the multi-difference in call centers & answering service. USA & Canada. 24/7 call center services, answering services & BPO services.

Keywords: virtual receptionist; outbound call center services; sales appointment setting; outbound call center; answering service;

Paid traffic cost: $79.41K Answering Service, Telephone Answering Service | Messages Plus Answering Service

Answering Service from Messages Plus - a complete live telephone answering service for your business. Contact us for your business phone answering service needs.

Keywords: answeringservice; answering service; telephone answering service; answering message service; answering services;

Paid traffic cost: $2.85K Job Search Made Simple | Simply Hired

Search millions of job listings from across the web. Find local jobs, salary comparisons, and employment trends at Simply Hired. New jobs added daily.

Keywords: jobs; g p s; job; java software developer; secretarial jobs;

Paid traffic cost: $981.93 Automated & Live Telephone Answering Services

We offer automated & live telephone answering services. Services include: live receptionist, IVR, auto attendant, online fax, voice broadcasting, fax to email, ...

Keywords: automated answering service; live answering service; paperless fax; live answering; virtual fax;

Paid traffic cost: N/A

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